Endodontic Therapy

To start with,we have to know what is the function of a tooth nerve.A tooth's nerve tissue does have a sensory function,but you don't get as much "feeling" from the nerve as you might expect.The real "feeling" that we get is when is subjected to extreme pressure or temperature,or when it's advancing a tooth decay,and as a result, tooth is responding with a painful sensation.

As for the anatomy of teeth
, root canals and a pulp chamber create a physical cavity within the tooth and they are natural inhabited by nerve tissue,blood vessels and other celular entities.

Endodontic therapy refers to the process where a dentist treats the interior aspects of a tooth,specifically,that space occupied by its "pulp tissue" in order to eliminate an infection and protect from a possible future microbial invasion,obturating the decontaminated canals with an inert filling such as guttapercha and a eugenol based cement.


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