
Showing posts from February, 2022

Starting working as a dentist in Germany

 Hello dear collegues , In this article i wanted to write  down a few things about moving to Germany and starting working as a dentist. It is compelling as it is the dream of lots of young professionals to move over to the stable and better income of Germany combined with the learning opportunities , but from the other hand there is the 'german language' , 'german bureocracy' and 'german weather' which can be a big obstacle. I hope you can find some hints and leading points in my personal experience. I travelled to Berlin in September of 2015 , two weeks after i received my diploma and i couldn't speak the language almost at all, except from 5-10 words that i was remembering from the german school course from back in the days. I have to confess, i had a big advantage in the start , as i was allowed to live for small money at an aunt of mine.   First thing i did was, finding a school where i could study intensively (25h a week) the languageso i could get the